EV Owning Experience: Hyundai Kona.

An Osprey staff member reviews their experience owning a Hyundai Kona.

Which EV do you own and why did you choose this specific model?

I own a Hyundai Kona which I chose as it is smaller than some other EV's but still has a really good range!

What is your favourite feature about your car?

My favourite features are my car’s Cruise Control and it's Charging control.

Hyundai kona

How has your experience been with owning and driving an electric car? And how does it compare to owning a petrol car?

I have absolutely loved having and driving an EV. The actual driving experience is much smoother and quieter than with a petrol/diesel car. It really hasn't affected my journey's or even inconvenienced my life in any way.

What do you find most enjoyable or convenient about driving your EV?

It drives smoothly and is quite quick (within the speed limit obviously), some people compare it to driving a go kart and I can see why!

Can you share any interesting or surprising moments you've had while driving your EV?

I drove my car to Scotland from London last week. I expected the drive to be awful, but I actually found it quite enjoyable. I had no issue charging; I stopped every 2 hours for 15-20 mins (a rest I needed anyway), plugged in to top up and then headed on my way.

How do you go about charging your EV both at home and on a public network?

I charge publicly mainly on Osprey chargers, but I also use the overnight lamppost street charging in London which is very convenient for me. I charge at Osprey when I go on site visits, or sometimes I will take it to Dulwich and charge while working in a coffee shop.

What advice would you give to someone considering purchasing an electric vehicle?

I would highly recommend it. The narrative that there are not enough chargers is simply untrue.

From an EV driver perspective, not as an Osprey employee, I have found the experience easy, particularly with the ability to charge using cheaper rates overnight.

I would recommend to absolutely make sure you understand the real range of the car, and not the advertised range, before purchasing though.

osprey chargers

How do you see the future of electric vehicle ownership evolving?

I think it will pick up as people understand the industry better, and as more positive recommendations come in.

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