EV Owning Experience: Jake Goldby.

Osprey staff member Jake reviews his experience owning a Tesla Model 3.

Which EV do you own and why did you choose this specific model?

I own a Tesla Model 3 which I chose due to its range, the quality of drive, and the quality of software.

What is your favourite feature about your car?

My favourite feature is it's navigation system.

Tesla model 3

How has your experience been with owning and driving an electric car? And how does it compare to owning a petrol car?

I would never go back to petrol/diesel. At the most surface level, its cheaper to run, highly convenient and easily maintainable. Its also a complete pleasure to drive - something I have found common with all EV's.

What do you find most enjoyable or convenient about driving your EV?

The 'total' charging network. Its common narrative that the charging infrastructure is lacking. But in reality, when you own an EV (particularly when you have the ability charge at home AS WELL AS on the public network), you quickly find that the ease and availability of chargers is abundant. You have choice now; the ability to be selective - picky even. There is nothing more satisfying than going on holiday to find your favourite farm shop (not one of those nasty MSA's...) or hotel has charging infrastructure.

Can you share any interesting or surprising moments you've had while driving your EV?

I was recently shouted (and called a name I wont repeat) at by a local farmer for driving past him and his dogs on a country lane in the Lakes whilst we were on holiday - his pups were spooked by something long before i reached him and crawled past in my very quiet EV; however the gentlemen decided it was my car that caused the havoc and shouted something a little like "thats what happens, you b****** when you drive those f****** EVs around these places" - safe to say I didnt stop to converse further. The dogs were lovely though!

tesla model 3

How do you go about charging your EV both at home and on a public network?

Overnight tariff at home - so plug in and schedule the charge appropriately. On the public network, I plan my routes prior to leaving, which is more often an Osprey farm shop or similar that I enjoy to stop at. I very rarely, if ever charge more than 15 mins, as this often gives me the amount i need to get to my destination.

Have you noticed any differences in maintenance or operating costs compared to a petrol/diesel car?

EVs have much lower costs- regenerative braking helps a lot. Tyres degrade at about the same rate I would say and as for mechanical maintenance....well there is none!

What advice would you give to someone considering purchasing an electric vehicle?

Go for it! I can assure you, you will not regret the change. There will inevitably be adjustments, however persevere as you will soon question how we ever used to refuel our vehicles by going to a dirty, smelly, luminescent fuel court.

How do you see the future of electric vehicle ownership evolving?

I believe that vehicle ownership generally will fall as the desirability of luxury cars and consumers move further away from associating vehicle ownership with status. Public transport will become more broadly used and play an even more significant role in the UKs mobility model - this assumes public transport is improved from its current standards… Autonomous vehicles will again reshape the way we move around day to day and open the mobility space up to a multitude of transport options - no longer will it be just cars, trains and planes; but a plethora of mobility options, adding a robustness to our transport system that we have not yet experienced, much like our renewable energy mix!

The one thing I am highly confident about is that everything (or at least the vast majority) of the above will be electrically derived; a commonality shared amongst our future modes of transport, including the humble electric vehicle.

A white electric car charging at a high powered EV charging hub.

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